Hope is not a strategy

The goal of strategic planning is to position a business in its market with a sustainable advantage over its competitors that enables it to serve its customers more profitably, gain market share and deliver superior financial returns. Central to this is determining what assets – services, products and capabilities – you need to develop and…

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What are the commercial implications for disability service providers of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

Approximately 1.2m people in Australia live with severe and profound disabilities. Many of these people receive no formal care and have been disadvantaged through high levels of unmet needs. The introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to address the shortcomings of previous systems and provide disabled people with the level of…

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What is the unique value in a member services organisation?

When asked this question, a lot of people will say ‘brand’, ‘history’ or ‘heritage’. Some will even say ‘our people’, ‘our passion‘ or ‘our purpose’. Although you could argue there is truth in all of the above, where is the real value in a member service organisation, and how is it unlocked? In my experience,…

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